1·BThank you. I will wrap it up for you. You can pay at the front counter. It's 500 yuan.
2·The Front Counter tells us that you're completed your check-out procedures. So the key card is no longer available. Please pay the bill in cash.
3·Walking through the flower Windows with white paint wrought iron to the front counter, spacious reception and counseling area can provide relax space to all the customers.
4·I spent that first month working the front counter register, the drive-through register, working the hamburger grill and french fry station, and doing openings and closings.
5·Then another cashier opens checkout counter 3 and waves to the shopper who was in front of you in the first line before you moved over.
接着又有一名收银员打开了 3 号付款台,并挥手示意第一队排在您前面的购物者到 3 号付款台排队。
6·When he moved closer to the counter, he heard buyers in the front begging the seller "Please sell me some lean meat if the fat one is sold out."
7·When she arrived at the large department store, she sat in front of an empty counter. She rested her hand upon the counter.
8·Reclaimed teak boards provide a rustic display counter for the breads and pastries, while steel-framed shelving is installed in front of the kitchen.
9·I believe the lady in front of the cheese counter was here before me.
10·In the kitchen, a marble counter is paired with a stainless steel work surface, and a circular dining table has set just in front of the kitchen has enough room to seat five guests.